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Saturday, September 08, 2018 

If CBR's engaging in defamation against Alterna, they most certainly should be sued

Alterna's publisher, Peter Simeti, will hopefully take legal steps against CBR following their apparent siding with the letterer Micah Myers, who's virtue-signaling and betraying his employers, all in order to win favor with the anti-independence crowd in comicdom:

Last time I looked, CBR hadn't gotten rid of the article, only posted an ambiguous update, so I hope Simeti's lawsuit goes into effect. Because it's high time these propagandists be taught a lesson for defaming people for wrongthink. Even long before the previous owner sold CBR to the Premium network, they were largely a joke, with one of the very few redeeming features being the Comics Should Be Good section, and now, even that's mostly gone downhill.

There's also more chilling news, if this is correct:

Whoever did this to the poor guy should be locked up and have the key thrown away. And any "creators" and other so-called careerists in the medium who fail to publicly condemn whatever nasty behavior was aimed at Simeti should be ashamed of themselves, and owe the guy an apology. Indeed, the shocking outburst of hostility towards fandom from quite a few pseudo-pros this past week was simply abominable, and if they really don't want to cause anybody harm, they'd better quit their assaults on fandom immediately. They don't even belong on social media if this is how they're going to act. Mike McKone's attitude, as mentioned before, was one of the worst examples, and while he may have canceled an appearance at Dragon Con recently, presumably realizing his comment had offended many, he doesn't seem very repentant. Unless he apologizes, he'll have to come to terms with how people with MO's like his are just what's dragging down the whole industry. I think Simeti's of an Asian background, which makes this whole affair all the more alarming, because for people who claim they're speaking on behalf of POC, the leftist SJWs sure haven't done anything to help Simeti. It's utterly disgusting what's happened.

Anyway, I think Alterna's story output is impressive from an artistic perspective for starters, and wish them well as they continue in publication, and I will certainly say that the cheaper prices they offer ($1.50 on some books) is certainly good too, though I still maintain it would be far better to go trades-only and not rely on an ancillary approach as various other companies do. And those industrialists who believe in positivity will make everyone proud by defending Simeti and speaking out against anyone who's engaged in offensive behavior and made conventions unsafe for anybody whose politics don't coincide with the left's. All this nasty behavior, allegedly because of Comicsgate, has got to stop.

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" And any "creators" and other so-called careerists in the medium who fail to publicly condemn whatever nasty behavior was aimed at Simeti should be ashamed of themselves, and owe the guy an apology."

Wouldn't it make sense to find out "whatever nasty behavior was aimed at Simeti" before proclaiming the need for an apology? Indignation is great, but maybe first find out whether there is a cause for indignation.

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