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Wednesday, February 27, 2019 

A child with 4 LGBT parents in the Netherlands campaigns for a Disney comic to add homosexual couples

If you think it's bad enough Disney's succumbed to homosexual propaganda in America, wait'll you read about what an indoctrinated child in Europe wants a local publisher to do:
A Dutch child with two lesbian mothers and two homosexual fathers has pressured a comic book publisher into including a gay couple in its next issue of Donald Duck.

Fenna made the complaint during an episode of Dutch news programme NOS Youth News, saying, “There are no gays or lesbians in Donald Duck, I’ve checked them all.”

“My parents are gays and lesbians and I think it’s important that that’s portrayed as normal too, but in Duck City it looks like it does not exist at all,” the ten-year-old added.

According to NOS, the young social justice activist spoke to the editor in chief of the comic, Joan Lommen, who said that LGBT characters were simply “not in the minds of the artists.”

Fenna denounced the wrongthink, saying, “That’s a bit ridiculous, actually.”

However, the girl conceded that it was not necessary to make one of the lead characters, like Goofy, gay, but that some of the extras in the background appearing as LGBT-inclusive would suffice.

“You see a lot of couples, a few of those people can be gay,” she said.

Later in the news report, Fenna was taken to the studio in the Netherlands where the comic was drawn, and one of the artists showed her a cartoon background of a heterosexual couple sitting at a table in a restaurant being changed into a lesbian couple, with hearts drawn around them to emphasise they were in a same-sex relationship.
Since Disney Corp. is already capitulating to such propaganda as they are, that's why chances are far less they'll have any objections to what a foreign outfit is doing with the storytelling in comics starring their creations. And who knows, there could be LGBT propaganda turning up in Disney's USA-based comics soon as well. Which'll only precipitate the demise of the industry as we know it, of course.

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A: Why would a major company listen to a little brat like that, regardless of the kind of parents he or she can have, especially one from the boondocks of the Netherlands?

B: Even if this did get passed, would it be passed along to the other versions of the comics or would it remain a Netherlands-only feature?

Isn't this yet another example of a kid being a mouthpiece for whatever agenda the adult(s) are putting in his or her mouth?

The stories in the Netherlands are translated and published in other markets, and some have been published in English in the U S in the past.

Disney listens to the little brat because she is a reader. Isn't that what they should be doing? And they apparently got a lot of good publicity out of doing so.

Well that depends, how many "requests" do they get from brats monthly or even weekly?

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