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Friday, February 28, 2020 

Billy Tucci once experienced the gatekeeping issue

Artist Billy Tucci mentioned on Twitter something he once learned about how the Big Two's editors viewed his political leanings:

I think writers of conservative background are the primary victims of blacklisting, as Chuck Dixon for one experienced, but artists obviously aren't immune to this either, nor are letterers and colorists. Now that some of the really bad apples like Axel Alonso and Dan DiDio are gone, you'd hope things'll change for the better at the Big Two, but alas, when these companies are so clogged with leftists who no longer respect others' politics, you know it's unlikely to happen for a long time. And as Tucci's noted, some of the art drafts he did for them have not been put to use for nearly a decade. While that's an injustice that needs to be remedied, the experience demonstrates why, for now, some creators are better off sticking with the smaller publishers and their own properties, until one day, the Big Two's publishing arms can be bought out by more reliable sources.

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Doesn't this blog, though, campaign for the idea that we need to blacklist and shun moderates and liberals, and even some of the traditional conservatives? It seems that you spend a lot of time identifying people whose tweets and utterances are politically incorrect so that their work can be boycotted, in spite of their talent. How is that any different from the way Tucci says he has been treated?

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