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Tuesday, July 04, 2023 

Citizen of Chattanooga, TN creates dark-laden comics for laughs

The Chattanooga Times Free Press spoke about a Tennessee resident who's conceived some of his own comics for amusement, but the problem is that they sound eerily dark:
Now, Brown has come full circle. At age 35, he's a comic book creator with two limited-series comics set to debut in the coming months. The first, "Death Comes for the Toymaker," will be released by Scout Comics later this month — in serialized and trade paperback editions.

Another limited-series comic will probably drop in September, Brown says. "Grandma Tilly's Hell-tech Mech," the second comics series, will be published by Band of Bards Comics.

"It's a far more comic-booky comic book," Brown explains of the second series. "It's about a gaming granny taking her husband's ashes on an adventure in space inside a Mech Robot from a devil dimension." [...]

["Death Comes for the Toymaker"] is the tale of a holiday gift-giver similar to Santa Claus. His deal with Death grants him immortality. ... But in exchange for that deal, he has to give Death a vacation. Gil [the Toymaker] has to do the work of Death, stealing souls. It has to be the same day he is delivering gifts. So he has three lists: his naughty list, his nice list and his death list.
If this is supposed to be comedy, it hardly sounds like something delightful, what with those kind of themes emphasized. This does not sound like a story I'd want to finance and read. Once again, we're seeing an example of something involving crude themes instead of something with a more delightful premise. This comic doesn't sound like something that'd make one think either. And that's another problem.

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