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Thursday, July 06, 2023 

Vancouver specialty store closes after just 6 years

More sad news of specialty store closures, as Vancouver Is Awesome reports one more in the Mt. Pleasant area is folding due to financial hardships:
Mount Pleasant readers of comic books and superhero stories will have to find a new source soon.

Opening in 2017 and taking over the 2418 Main Street address right after R/X Comics' departure, 8th Dimension Comics has been supplying Vancouverites with comics for about six years.

On Saturday (July 1), the business announced that it will be shutting its doors for good.

It's a "death by 1,000 cuts," owner and former R/X Comics employee Nick Paraschos tells V.I.A.

At the time that Paraschos and fellow former R/X Comics employee Kelly Everaert took over the location, the neighbourhood was much more vibrant. But, it all changed after the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Before COVID-19 this place was fantastic. We had a great neighbourhood," says Paraschos. Now "a lot of people aren't working around here anymore, and with rent evictions people aren't living in the neighbourhood anymore."

The business owner cites the area's post-pandemic hush as well as the Broadway Subway Project as some of the contributing factors to the bookstore's closure.
No doubt, those terrible moments in history played a part in bringing down the business. But again, let's consider that, when mainstream products become terrible, that too can have a most unfortunate effect nobody in the MSM wants to talk about. Sometimes, when I read articles like these, it's occurred to me that the employees and journalists involved don't seem to raise the issue of comparisons between sales of mainstream and independents. If that were to be more of a major topic for discussion, maybe solutions to the problems could be found. Yet, it never seems to be brought up, if at all. So again, we can't be surprised when some retail businesses end up failing.

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