Another comic developed by a police official
Madrigal said he saw a lot during his years working in law enforcement.If he's writing it from a perspective that respects Judeo-Christianity, that's good to know, because there's too little of that these days, in an era of regrettable wokeness. This certainly sounds better than the previous example from New York, where a police official produced a comic more about villainy.
“The things that we see out there, the chaos, the death… my comics have been a break from that,” Madrigal said.
Reading comic books became his way of tapping into another universe, so Madrigal decided to create his own.
In February, Madrigal released “Atreydean Justice,” a comic book he said was 38 years in the making.
The comic is based on faith, family and justice, Sgt. Madrigal said, adding that he hopes his story will inspire others to work towards their dreams.
Labels: indie publishers