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Tuesday, November 21, 2023 

Downloadable comic about how climate affects river levels

The Stroud Times (UK) reports about a comic available as a free download discussing environmental issues:
An innovative downloadable graphic comic based in the Stroud district has been released with the aim of inspiring a new generation of environmental managers.

The Sound of a River was written by Stroud District Council officer Chris Uttley and illustrated by local artist Joe Magee.

The book tells the story of Monica, a girl who sets out to find out why her house has flooded. She travels back in time to learn that historical changes made to the river have not only resulted in the loss of wildlife and plants, but also increased the likelihood of flooding.

The title is based on the idea that a healthy river generates a variety of sounds, therefore the healthier and more natural the river, the more sounds it creates. Historical land drainage and river engineering have simplified and deepened channels, causing the river to fall silent.

Each page of the book is accompanied by illustrations from the Stroud district and some pages have explanatory notes.

Cllr Chloe Turner, chair of SDC Environment Committee said: “Sound of a River is an inspiring way to capture the imagination of young people and explain how historical river engineering has impacted nature and potentially contributed to increased flood risk.

“Nature based environmental projects will not only help tackle the climate and nature emergencies, but will also create much needed educational, training and employment opportunities.

“I hope Chris and Joe’s story will inspire a new generation to get involved in innovative environmental solutions such as SDC’s Natural Flood Management work just as Monica does in the book.”
I just hope this comic doesn't go out of its way to promote "climate change" propaganda, because "global warming", if anything, has never made for a good argument on how to handle environmental issues. If this comic just focuses on the issue of how to keep rivers from overflooding and endangering houses, that's where it'll work out well.

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