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Saturday, February 03, 2024 

What good does even a What If? comic based on the Alien movies do at this point?

Collider announced Marvel's planning a comic series under their What If? anthology that in this case, is based on the Alien movie franchise originally begun in 1979:
After the second season of the What If...? TV series premiered on Disney+, Marvel Comics is bringing their classic concept to a different franchise. The company has announced that it will publish an Aliens: What If...? comic book series later this year, providing an alternate take on the events from the Alien sequel. Written by Hans Rodionoff, Brian Volk-Weiss and Adam F. Goldberg, and illustrated by Guiu Vilanova, the book's five-issue run will follow a timeline where Carter Burke (Paul Reiser) survived the events of Aliens. In the sequel, directed by James Cameron, the character suffered an uncertain fate, but his death was eventually later confirmed in other media.

Marvel Comics introduced the concept of What If...? in 1977, publishing a comic book series where major events from their biggest franchises took place differently. The idea was adapted into the Marvel Cinematic Universe through an animated series that takes a look at worlds where the events from the franchise's movies took a turn. But the concept of alternate timelines and their exploration had never been at the center of the Alien franchise before. According to Marvel, Reiser himself, and his son, Leon, were involved with the creation of this new story.
It should go without saying the time's long past for these projects to matter, years after Marvel plummeted into PC, so to take the What If? title and apply it even to a movie adaptation seems pretty laughable and cynical now. The original volume ran during 1977-84, and the 2nd ran a bit longer, during 1989-98, but since then, whatever attempts Marvel made to revive this kind of anthology for "alternate realities" led nowhere, no thanks to Joe Quesada and Axel Alonso, of course.

And the Aliens franchise is also way past its prime, much like the Terminator franchise, which ran out of steam with each consecutive entry after the first two films.

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