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Saturday, March 08, 2025 

The Conversation fawns over "The People's Joker"

A writer at the Conversation is fluff-coating the LGBT film supposedly based on the Joker. And at the beginning:
The ultimate villain of DC Comics, the Joker, has been brought to screen many times. From Cesar Romero’s 1960s camp prankster in Batman: The Movie (1966), to Jack Nicholson’s villain-with-flare in Tim Burton’s iconic Batman (1989) and Heath Ledger’s wonderfully textured psychotic criminal in The Dark Knight (2008).

Though he’s never the hero, the “crown prince of crime” usually dominates whatever film he’s in.
Well that's exactly the problem. The way the villain is made to look more exciting and expected to "thrill" the audience than the heroes are. Or maybe that's what certain entertainment critics want everyone to believe makes a positive example. If such is the case, that's disgraceful, and it's only served to ruin morality for a long time.
This is the landscape that welcomes The People’s Joker, a parody film with an LGBTQ+ twist. Written by Vera Drew and Bri LeRose, and directed by and starring Drew in the lead role, it has just started a screening tour of the UK.

Set in an alternate (unaffiliated and unofficial) DC universe, this semi-autobiographical dark comedy explores Drew’s real-life gender transition, using a fictional alter-ego, “Joker the Harlequin”. This character is used as a metaphor for the difficulties of transgender adolescence.

The film is a re-imagining of Drew’s coming of age story. She moves to Gotham City, trying to launch a comedy act in a place where comedy has been outlawed. After a poor audition, she decides to create “anti comedy”, supported by a slew of recognisable Batman villains such as the Riddler, Mr Freeze and Poison Ivy.
One can only wonder why villains are the big deal even here. All this villain idolatry is just an embarrassment. Yet there's certain financiers in the medium who're actually willing to bankroll even stuff as horrendous as this, and it's regrettable they are, because all they're doing is producing something to litter bargain bins in video establishments. (And yes, I know it's been years since the days of Blockbuster Video, but there can still be stores even online where dreadful stuff like this can be sold.)

Now that Donald Trump's been elected anew, maybe these insults to the intellect will eventually fade, but until then, it's a shame we have to see "films" like these being pushed upon the audience solely over selfish agendas.

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