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Thursday, November 16, 2006 

They're not admitting it's a mistake if they replace one bad idea with another

I found this thread on Comic Bloc, via the Newsarama blog, in which a poster asks the following (deliberately mispelled?) question:
Has either Dc or marvel ever admit[ted] that any thing was a mistake. not little stuff like spelling error like big stuff like whole new runs. FOr example 99% of all people think underground Fightclub was [a] mistake, but has marvel ever admitted to it? or has dc ever admitted that any thing they do is wrong?

and what stops them [arrogance]? or something else?
I'm sure I there's more to this that I missed, but my efforts to make this more comprehensible should suffice for now. There are a few comments here too that argue the following:
Marvel has owned up in the past to continuity errors. Thus, the creation of the No-Prize.
Which makes sense, since, if this relates to recent times, they've only boomeranged back on more of the same.
DC brought back Hal Jordan. IIRC, Geoff called it ‘righting a wrong’, or words to that affect.
But is it not a wrong when they a]produce a book like Identity Crisis that's swamped with misogyny, b]desecrate the memory of even minor characters like the Dibnys,c] defame both the Atom and his ex-wife, d]toss in all sorts of elements that have "continuity error" and "out of character" written all over them, e]plagued with allegorical political biases and defeatism, f]then follow up on that by spreading the "ramifications" throughout almost every other book in their publication, and g]kill off more characters in Infinite Crisis the next year?

Unless they right those wrongs, and admit that the way they put Identity Crisis together was in poor taste, they have not proven they've learned from past mistakes.

That aside, I think that Dan DiDio should be told to resign, just like Joe Quesada.

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