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Wednesday, June 11, 2008 

Chuck Dixon out of employment now at DC

On this thread at Dixonverse (via The Beat), he lets us know that:
I am no longer employed by DC Comics in any capacity.
The possible explanation? As indicated by one of the posters:
Chuck we spoke at FCBD for a few minutes. It seemed to me from what you said at the time you weren't too happy about having to interrupt your storylines for Batman RIP especially since Morrison kept changing things. I was speculating that perhaps the break was voluntary instead of forced with no basis in fact. My apologies. I am truly disappointed that you will not be continuing your excellent work on Robin and Batman at the Outsiders.
Sooner or later, this is going to really hurt DC and Marvel, and hard, as many aspiring writers will be discouraged from working for them if their work is going to be sabotaged for the sake of these editorially mandated crossovers. This could even explain why so few writers in recent years have been able to work on a series for at least four years.

Update: Dixon has now announced on his board, "I did not quit." While he may not actually confirm it, this raises the question: was he fired?

More about this on Comics Should Be Good.

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