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Sunday, October 25, 2015 

Murphy Anderson, RIP

It's sad to discover, but another veteran legend, this being artist/inker Murphy Anderson, has passed away at 89 years old. So there's another great artist who's now sadly gone.

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Superman never looked better than when Anderson inked Curt Swan's pencils. "Swanderson" made one of the best (and one of the most under-rated) art teams in the Bronze Age of comics.

When Jack Kirby was drawing Jimmy Olsen in the early 1970's, Anderson was assigned to ink the heads of Jimmy and Superman, to keep their appearance consistent with the other Superman Family titles (Superman, Action, Lois Lane, and World's Finest).

I remember seeing copies of "PS" lying around the orderly room when I was in the Army. It was a digest-sized instruction booklet in a comic strip format. Will Eisner, Joe Kubert, and several other notable cartoonists and comic book artists worked on it over the years, but the issues I saw were all by Anderson.

IMHO, Hawkman was one of the best superhero comics in the 1960's.

I didn't realize Anderson also did Batgirl's Silver Age debut, no wonder that issue was so good, visually speaking. (The character from my username also doing something isn't bad, either.)

Soon, all the Silver Age artists will pass on, and it will be a Dark Age for us. And the new ones try, but they just can't compete or last like Anderson and his colleagues.

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