The most politically motivated Marvel books are among those currently missing from their upcoming release schedule
Specifically, here are some titles you won't be seeing for at least the next two months (and possibly more).Some of the flagship titles highlighted are written by rotten writers like Ta-Nehisi Coates, Dan Slott and Jason Aaron. And the new take on the New Warriors has already been in discussion, as it represents the most noticeable current example of their social justice propaganda in motion. Most amazing has to be that, as they say, all titles pertaining to the Outlawed event are suspended from release, and while reading this earlier article, I noticed in the comments section:
X-Men, Captain America, Fantastic Four, Wolverine, Spider-Woman, Gwen Stacy, Conan the Barbarian, and Star Wars are the highest-profile ongoing titles that are missing in action for the time being. [...]
In other notable absences, the entirety of the "Outlawed" sub-line of titles - Champions, Power Pack, and New Warriors - are not included. [...]
And while the pair of Empyre #0 issues are present, the main series itself and the various tie-in titles planned for April and subsequent months are unaccounted for through July 8.
X-Men is missing because Empyre #1 is also not listed. Ms. Marvel is an odd omission though, since she was due out on the same day as Miles Morales - April 1st (which means the comics should just be sitting in Diamond's warehouse!).And:
Ms. Marvel might be because of OutlawedAnd based on the repellent politics the book is built on, serving as an Islamic propaganda vehicle, that's why it'd be better if they dropped it altogether. It sold very low over the years, and the Corona pandemic would only make it more of a loss leader, since Marvel's funding has already taken enough of a blow from being unable to deliver and sell their wares due to the limited way stores have been forced to function so far. What's so "odd" about the book being omitted from the list of releases? Nothing, really. It's been one of the most blatant productions Marvel ever came up with, a huge waste of resources, even as they go to such lengths to promote it as the biggest treasure ever and adapt it to TV and film, and now, it looks like, for a change, they may have decided it's best to let it go, the question being whether they're learning a lesson why it won't help them when they've taken a significant loss of money during the Covid19 crisis?
As for material related to the Empyre crossover, there's also a valid argument to make that company wide events can also be very costly at a time like this, and it'd be far better to put crossovers to rest as well, since they've long stopped making serious money, and take away the writer's ability to tell self-contained stories. Of course, if the stories are built upon social justice propaganda, that's where stand-alone writing will fumble, so they'd do well to move away from all the propaganda tactics they've been pandering for too long.
And, naturally, there's also the argument to make that continuity as it was once known has to be given the ability to be stood erect again. This can be done by clearing away 2 decades worth of bad stories for starters, and retiring floppies in favor of paperbacks. If Marvel really wants to prove they can let go of all these grievous errors, now would be the best time to start. But, if we know their MO good enough, it's a foregone conclusion they'll miss what could be a grand opportunity to mend all the fences they've damaged over the years.
Labels: crossoverloading, dreadful writers, islam and jihad, marvel comics, moonbat writers, msm propaganda, politics, sales
You really, really need to relax on your anti-Muslim sentiment. A little education would go a long way for you.
Posted by
Joe |
4:01 AM
-----This can be done by clearing away 2 decades worth of bad stories for starters, and retiring floppies in favor of paperbacks. ------
For fans under the age of 25, this would mean that all the stories they have read as they came out would be wiped out of continuity. John Byrne has talked in interviews about how depressing this kind of revamp is for both fans and himself as a creator. It creates a feeling that none of the stories matter, because you already know that any new stories are probably going to be removed from continuity when the next lot of editors take over too. It made him lose his enthusiasm for writing the characters, because he knew that the stories he wrote would not matter in a few years as well, that he was not adding to continuity but just doing a riff on it.
This is what got DC in so much trouble over the years; endless and confusing continuity rewipes.
And for Marvel you would have to go back further than 20 years if you do it at all, because the mid to late 90s was Marvel's lowest and worst point, in terms of both quality and profitability, when they had to seek bankruptcy protection and even Stan Lee was criticizing the quality of the books they put out. That is not what you want to reset to.
So no, not a good idea.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:01 AM