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Monday, August 21, 2023 

Brussels comic festival resumes in September

The Brussels Times reports the local comic convention in Belgium is taking place next month, with a special addition:
The BD Comic Strip Festival will return to the Gare Maritime in Brussels in September, where comic fans can attend signing sessions, meet authors and watch the traditional giant balloons.

On 8, 9 and 10 September, the BD Comic Strip Festival will be back in Brussels with a whole host of activities ranging from signing sessions to meet-and-greets. This year's festival is dedicated to manga, for which a new themed area was opened.

In honour of the 77th anniversary of the publishing house Le Lombard, a real exhibition is being organised on the past, present and future of the well-known publisher. "Visitors will get an overview of 77 years of family comics and get to know the origins of Le Lombard, its pioneers and its heroes," visit.brussels said in a press release.
So a new spotlight's being offered on manga at a European festival. Well I'm sure that'll provide far more to think about than USA comics are today. And their family-themed comics are hopefully family-friendly in a real way, without resorting to the kind of woke propaganda mainstream USA comics have become notorious for in the past decade.

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  • From Jerusalem, Israel
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