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Thursday, February 08, 2024 

Jose Delbo, RIP

Legacy's announced a veteran artist of Argentinian descent, Jose Delbo, has passed away at 90. Here's some history of his career:
Delbo’s journey into comic book history began as a teenager in Argentina, the country of his birth. His first professional work was published when he was just 16 years old. Political instability eventually drove him from the country, and after spending a few years in Brazil, he settled in the United States in 1963. There he drew “Billy the Kid” for Charlton Comics, did television adaptations for Dell, including “The Mod Squad,” “The Brady Bunch,” and “Gentle Ben,” and penciled many issues of “Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery” for Gold Key Comics.

In 1976, Delbo began a six-year tenure on “Wonder Woman” for DC, spanning most of the run between issues #222 and #286. His work also appeared in “Action Comics,” “Teen Titans,” and many more. In the late 1980s, he began drawing for Marvel Comics, most notably on their popular series “The Transformers.” Delbo drew most issues from #36 to #67, as well as other Marvel titles.
I guess when somebody first draws adaptations of TV shows, it's only natural he'd later go on to draw toy merchandise to boot. I vaguely recall some of his work, and he certainly was a talented artist. And a sad shame he's now gone.

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