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Thursday, January 19, 2006 

Geoff Johns slaughters the Zoo Crew

After reading this synopsis on Howling Curmudgeons (via Comics Worth Reading) of how Geoff Johns brought back Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew in the pages of Teen Titans just so that he could do a parody(!) of Identity Crisis, I think I'll have to hand it to the good folks at the blog there: they summed up a lot of my feelings about Johns that I've been trying to figure out just how to describe in the past year or so.

And with lines in Infinite Crisis being uttered by Batman, directed towards Superman, that include "the last time you inspired anyone was when you were dead," I think I'll have to concur that, there may be something to the accusation that Infinite is a miniseries that seems to hate DC Comics, more than it does Marvel's EIC, Joe Quesada!

And if DC thinks that writing this all as a satire can help them deflect any criticism, sorry, but that excuse has been used many times before, and certainly doesn't hold up very well now. It's a real shame that they're just going along and beating what's already become a dead horse, when they could be doing something more creative instead.

If Johns is going to be more an editor than a writer now, let's hope that he'll at least do better there. For now, would somebody PLEASE bring back Roger Stern and Bill Loebs? Thank you!

Update: as this blogger indicates, chances are that Captain Carrot and the Zoo Crew won't be appearing again anytime soon, if at all (more from the same one here). Sad to say, but I think he's right; very little chance that we'll see them again in the forseeable future. What a waste!

Update 2: this entry on Comics Should be Good tells exactly why I will be avoiding Geoff Johns and Judd Winick from hereon.

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