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Monday, November 20, 2006 

Jim Shooter may have led to DC's trend of replacing major characters with different ones

In a topic on the Newsarama blog last week, one of the commentors told why Doug Moench, who first began working at Marvel and then went to DC, did so:
A few years ago in ALTER EGO Doug Moench was interviewed and told why he quit Marvel because of Shooter. Jim Shooter planned (25 years ago) to kill off all the major Marvel chaarcters and start over again with new characters in those costumes. Moench refused to go along with it and quit. I understand that Stan Lee was the one who actually stopped those plans (he still had authority at Marvel then). But what really pissed off Moench was when Shooter and his editors had a press conference in which Shooter denied that any such kill-off had ever been planned, and blamed the rumor on “disgruntled ex-employees”. That interview appeared several years ago and Shooter never came forward to claim Moench was lying.
So that's where DC's increasingly forced trend of rebooting with different characters came from? Yeesh. It certainly has happened over the years, that DC, Marvel, and other companies will imitate ideas from one another. But what DC did when Zero Hour came around has really gone too far, and needs to be halted.

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