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Tuesday, April 06, 2010 

DC wanted to destroy their fictionalized cities

I read another WonderCon article about James Robinson and his plans for the Justice League, and it tells that:
The writer revealed more behind the scenes information about "Cry For Justice," explaining that originally, DC wanted to get rid of most of their fictional cities (not Metropolis or Gotham obviously). He disagreed with the idea and didn’t do it, feeling the fictional cities of the DC Universe should be embraced; they make the fictional world more unique.

Eddie Berganza chimed in that a place like Star City is just a generic Seattle, it’s not unique like Metropolis or Opal City. The same can be said for Hub City, the Question’s hometown. It was decided in the end that if they were making a big push to make Green Arrow a character to watch, then they should do the same for Star City.
And we thought it was bad enough that they originally wanted to kill off Dick Grayson along with Bludhaven's population almost 5 years ago! Does this mean they wanted to do away with Keystone/Central, Ivy Town, and Midway City as well? This shows just how little respect they really have for their properties, if all they can think about is killing things off instead of serious character development, or even seriously righting the wrongs they've pulled over the past decade. And then Berganza has the gall to insult Star/Hub City and imply it's worthless.

And if Robinson could resist associating himself with a proposal to destroy many more fictional cities in the DCU, why couldn't he do the same with Star City, Roy Harper's arm, and Lian Harper's life?

Robinson then announces his lineup for Justice League, which removes the main cast almost entirely, and replaces them with:
The new lineup, he revealed, will be Dick Grayson as Batman, Supergirl, Donna Troy, Jade, Mikaal Tomas as Starman, Congorilla and Jessie Quick. The membership will remain the same for at least the next two years worth of stories.
Unfortunately, after Robinson's participation in Cry for Justice, I don't think it matters who the central cast of Leaguers are. As I said before, his current work should be avoided in protest. This lineup is actually telling of how the League is clearly being broken up out of their bickering and opposition to Green Arrow's meting out justice against Prometheus for destroying Star City, and not because they want to give some new protagonists a chance.
Robinson slyly revealed that there is one character from "Cry For Justice" that everyone assumes is dead, but is actually alive. Mikaal and Congorilla discover this and go off in search of the person. "It is not Lian!" the writer shared.
And that's why we don't need to waste any more time and money on whatever he's doing. "Slyly" my foot. All he's done is show why DC management is becoming a huge train wreck.

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So, Prometheus is actually alive?

I should be glad that Jessie Quick is back, but, yeah, the wanton disregard for their own creations, the cities, is appalling.

I guess they forgot about Coast City and how that made Hal become Parallax, all those years ago.

This has been going on for years, folks. I even wrote a post about it.

God, I hate Berganza. Shitty editor, shittier writer.

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