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Saturday, May 14, 2011 

Superman loves America again...in the sans-adjective series

Earlier, Action Comics #900 gave us that wretched short story of Superman ridiculously forfeiting his citizenship. Now, in Superman #711, we get a story where in the closing he actually speaks respectably of American ideals once again.

But does that exonerate DC for allowing David Goyer to inject his personal politics into the short story in Action Comics? Uh uh. At worst, Goyer's ill-advised tale makes Superman look like he's insane with a split personality. And, since the story in Action was just 8 or 9 pages, shoved into the back of the book, one could possibly argue that DC had something to hide.

These conflicting views applied to the protagonists may be fairly common in comics writing, but that doesn't mean it can't be avoided. If anything, if there's a certain vision the company wants to take, they have to make it clear and apply it to all renditions in all published stories. Better still, they have to start moving away from too many political injections.

(By the way, did I mention I was just writing up this post a day and a half ago, and while in the middle, I found that Blogger shut down all user options for their tiresome maintenance operation. Thus, I had to wait until now to get it done, and there was a bit of text that got lost in the process.)

Update: a little more on this at Hot Air.

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I know it's a cliche to sat this, but if Goyer hates America so much, why doesn't he just leave? I. for one, wouldn't miss him, especially since I've read very little of his material.

I'd say the same of the liberals who vowed to leave if Bush got re-elected. And, hey, they're still here. How about that?

No kidding, Killer. Personally, I would have been glad to pack Alec Baldwin's luggage and sent him on his way, but he, like all the other loudmouth libs, is still here to annoy us.

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