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Friday, June 15, 2012 

Grant Morrison's vanity convention

The level of ridiculous ideas reaches new heights with Grant Morrison forming a comics convention centered all around him. And what's the price of admission?
Tickets for MorrisonCon are available and range from $499 to $1,099 for an all-inclusive package with lodging, parties, Con exclusives and more.
Why anyone would want to pay that much money for a convention dedicated to overrated writers like Morrison is beyond me, but we can expect some people will unfortunately be going out of their way to spend their money on this silly vanity project.

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I'm amazed anyone could spare the money in this economy. Is your average Morrison fan that loaded? Other than that, the narcissism is a bit much, as "does Morrison's ege need to be that bigger?"

It's rather creepy, frankly. But then, hey, I haven't been in a con since 2005, so what do I know?

Are the hallucinogens included in the package?

LMAO at Thunderbird's comment. And I've never gone to any of the conventions here in Minnesota (or anywhere else in the country or the world)... they're way too epensive.

Grant Morrison - poster boy for the "Just say no to drugs" campaign.

"Grant Morrison - Nancy Reagan was right."

A fool and his money...

I am little bit worried why people came here by spend this money, though Grant Morrison Vanity Convention is most prestigious convention. But its good that still come people. Its interesting. Thanks
admission circular

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