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Saturday, July 28, 2012 

USA Today's atrocious suggestions for who could replace Grant Morrison on Superman

Leave it to USA Today to write some awful ideas of who could take over the spot Grant Morrison is vacating. The really bad suggestions are:
Brian Michael Bendis. OK, granted, this is pretty much the longest of shots because of his close ties with Marvel Comics. Yet if he took a Aaron Sorkin-esque The Newsroom take on Superman, Lois Lane and the rest of the Daily Planet, it would be the best real-world thing to hit DC since Gotham Central.
Brad Meltzer. No one knows heroes better than this guy. Plus, he knows his way around the DC Universe with Justice League of America and Identity Crisis. Plus he worked hard to save the home of Superman co-creator Jerry Siegel. Plus, he loves Superman. Plus, comic fans have gone way too long without a Brad Meltzer monthly book.
Who would've thought they could list 2 of the most reprehensible names to ever desecrate the face of the comics as an art form? Both of these writers are guilty of stooping to some of the most misogynist stereotypings and degradations of women in stories that were more interested in making quick bucks than in genuine morality, in Bendis' case being Avengers: Disassembled. And they have the gall to recommend them? For shame.

And I'm not fooled by Meltzer's cooperation in restoring the Siegel house either. I don't know if his heirs have any ownership over the house, but I do know that if I were in their position, I wouldn't approve of his involvement at all, and I seeing how the Man of Steel wasn't exactly portrayed in the best of lights in Identity Crisis either, that's why I don't buy the claim that Meltzer loves Superman either.

Meltzer has never apologized to date for how he treated both ladies and gentlemen in Identity Crisis (in Justice League, he even injected some Mary Sues into the story too), and that's one more reason why there are fans out there, myself included, who'll say that his absence from comics is actually quite welcome. Even Bendis has never apologized for his own mistreatment of Scarlet Witch and even Tigra and Spider-Woman in the pages of Avengers, to say nothing of his crude insults to the audience, one more reason why it's very sad he's still sullying Marvel with his new role as writer of an X-Men title. That's why Meltzer's absence is actually a blessing whereas Bendis' continued presence is an embarrassment. If Meltzer returns to mainstream comics, it'll be a terrible tragedy, and if Bendis leaves, it'll be a great mercy. Neither of these frauds are fit or even deserve to be writing Superman's adventures.

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