Jerry Ordway on life over 50
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The comics medium, like Hollywood, has been taken over by the Brat Pack. No one over thirty need apply. They want cool, wise-cracking young hipsters. "Cool" is valued over experience, good sense, and craftsmanship.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:51 AM
I feel bad for Jerry Ordway. Like Anonymous says, they want "cool" hipsters, not people with talent, experience and common sense. You gotta be "cool" and "hip."
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:04 PM
Funny thing is, the people who've taken over the big two and their fake independent satellites are all quite old themselves, but being in savage denial causes them to try and act young- or how they imagine young acts- hence things like One More Day, political correctness colorising existing heroes and all the rest of the left leaning duck soup they keep making... Even though not many people want soup...
Posted by
Unknown |
2:45 PM