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Thursday, September 11, 2014 

Gene Ha dislikes Orson Scott Card, but is fine with Brad Meltzer

Last year, artist Gene Ha was among several contributors to comicdom who wrote nasty little spews against Orson Scott Card. But, as the following screenshot reveals, he doesn't have the same misgivings about Brad Meltzer:
Now as you'll notice at the top left corner, it was retweeted by Mr. Ha, whom I've never seen retweeting anything written by Card. Yet Meltzer is somebody whose work he's fine retweeting, or giving mention to? Hmm, very interesting.

Say, Mister Ha, did you know that a decade ago, Meltzer wrote Identity Crisis, a miniseries from DC that was panned by a lot of people for being misogynistic? Did you know the story was told with a 99.9 percent masculine viewpoint and featured a minor co-star being raped by a costumed supervillain, something that was swept under the rug and not mentioned again during the rest of the miniseries? And, are you also aware that Identity Crisis showed Slade Wilson, aka Deathstroke, punching Zatanna in the tummy hard enough to make her vomit for no good reason? And to make matters worse, that it showed Slade wrapping a bag over Black Canary's head and handcuffing her, an act that could've asphyxiated people? Even Frank Miller's most questionable takes on women in All-Star Batman-Robin don't come close to the repellent tripe that is Identity Crisis. Have you even wondered what real life victims of rape and child abuse might think of something so terrible?

What's that, you didn't know? Honestly, Mr. Ha, that's awfully hard to believe you didn't know what a company you'd been drawing JLA for was up to at the time, since you've worked in the biz for over 2 decades. But now that you do, have you pondered what a lot of the women who took offense at Identity Crisis might think of you now? I don't think Janelle Asselin, whom I couldn't help notice you were conversing with, would be very happy if she knew you were granting legitimacy to Meltzer after that horrorfest he penned, nor would your close buddy Gail Simone. Even if they don't say so publicly, chances are they're very disappointed with you. But you probably knew that, right? Hey, I were working in your job, I'd worry about what any self-respecting fangirl who spots your little boo-boo might say at the next convention. Please, I can hardly wait to hear all the "but some of my best friends are [fill in the blank]" defenses I won't mind hearing you stutter away with, because Meltzer tried something vaguely similar a decade back, and if you think it's going to avail you any more than it will him, I'd suggest you get a different career.

But, I'll be generous and offer a little advice: if you really, truly don't condone Meltzer's sick little screed, then maybe it's time you look at yourself in the mirror and start asking folks you know "did I make a mistake retweeting something by somebody who wrote a tale that nauseating?" Let's be clear: if you really have issues with Orson Card (who, as noted before, is a Democrat), so be it. But if you cannot at least apply the same standards to Meltzer so long as he doesn't repent for writing such a one-sided story, then you effectively trash your alleged support for women's rights, and reveal a very intriguing double-standard. You uphold LGBT issues, but can't do the same for women's rights? Tsk tsk.

We've learned a most interesting lesson here today, that some people in comicdom don't value women's rights as much as they do homosexuality. In fact, I vaguely recall Ron Marz retweeting one post promoting the Batbook Meltzer wrote a story for several months ago, which could tell how faithful he really is to a coherent standard. I think, if these examples are any clue, there's various leftists in comicdom who hold staunch positions on LGBT issues, yet are perfectly comfortable throwing women's rights under the bus, and the only time they do so with homosexuality is when Islam is involved. Definitely food for thought.

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It's dangerous to have some opinions nowadays (Other opinions are ""safe") Somehow this story about OSC and his opinions and how they transformed him form revered author into the devil itself reminds me that Ibsen play: "An enemy of the people" and its final quote: "the strongest man in the world is he who stands most alone"

It's dangerous to have some opinions nowadays (Other opinions are ""safe") Somehow this story about OSC and his opinions and how they transformed him form revered author into the devil itself reminds me that Ibsen play: "An enemy of the people" and its final quote: "the strongest man in the world is he who stands most alone"

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