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Thursday, April 06, 2017 

Supergirl TV show's season 2 keeps up the left wing metaphors for immigration in 15th story

A few weeks ago, the AV Club gushed over the 15th episode of Supergirl's 2nd season, which is yet another metaphor for defending illegal immigration:
It feels cliché to describe a piece of entertainment as “more relevant than ever in the era of Trump.” But “Exodus” deals so directly with the language and policy of the Trump administration that the reference is impossible to avoid in this case. Not only does Snapper Carr warn that fake news could lead to a fascist in the White House, but Cadmus’ evil scheme isn’t too far off from real-life White House policy: Round up immigrants and deport them, regardless of whether the places they come from are ravaged by war, famine, or genocide. In this case, the alien immigrants are literal aliens and the way to deport them is to put them on a spaceship headed across the galaxy, but the parallel is clearly intentional. And though our heroes may disagree on the best way to stop Cadmus, there’s no debate about whether the organization’s fears are actually valid. In the world of Supergirl, rounding up innocent people and deporting them is something only a supervillian would do.
They come off sounding so cliche to be fawning over such overt propaganda. Obviously, Snapper's comments are little more than the scripters' way of exacting their spite at Trump for accusing them of the fake news their side peddles all the time. And it looks like no debate is allowed in this episode over whether any of the interlopers condone the wars and deaths they're supposedly fleeing from. As the above notes, they don't debate concerns over the entrance of the aliens themselves.
The truly chilling opening scene establishes the stakes of Cadmus’ plan as we watch a sweet, Bruno Mars-loving alien family brutally rounded up for deportation. It’s a chilling sequence that gives the audience a personal connection to the broad ideals our heroes are fighting for. And like last week’s Dean Caine-centric episode, having one central focus gives “Exodus” a nice sense of cohesion even as each character deals with their own tangential problem: Winn wants to get his abducted alien girlfriend back, J’onn wants to stop Cadmus without putting his people at unnecessary risk, Alex wants to rescue her father before he gets caught in the crosshairs of a DEO/Cadmus showdown, and Kara wants to use her journalistic outreach to prevent more aliens from being captured.
Nope, it's an irritating effort to paint the aliens as these cutie-pies who couldn't possibly do anything wrong. I guess the aliens never applied for refugee status either. How come these producers aren't even interested in writing up stories about alien visitors who, if they're dealing with legal issues, make an effort to apply honestly for some kind of residential permits?
As with Kara, trust plays a key role in Alex’s story too. She’s singularly motivated by her faith that her father hasn’t actually been swayed by Cadmus’ xenophobia. And Leigh beautifully portrays the sense that Alex is slowly unraveling beneath her put-together exterior. Though Supergirl is a sunny show, it isn’t afraid to go dark at times, as it did with J’onn’s backstory. And when Alex beats a captured Cadmus soldier hoping he’ll give up information about her father’s location, the show doesn’t shy away from the ruthlessness of her moment of police (well, DEO) brutality.
Sounds like police brutality against the American military. I guess that's the only time these moonbats consider police brutality appropriate - when it's being enacted against another branch of authority they shun. There's more:
Director Michael A. Allowitz adds a decidedly cinematic flare to his first Supergirl outing, and that’s especially true of the exhilarating climax, which feels like a throwback to the bigger CBS budget of the first season. Alex goes on a one-woman mission to save Jeremiah and stop Cadmus from exiling its alien prisoners. She’s at her most badass as she both makes and then actually goes through with threats to blow up the Cadmus base. And she doesn’t hesitate to put herself in danger to rescue the captured aliens onboard a launching ship.
So they run the gauntlet of turning Alex into a terrorist, all under the guise that she's a "freedom fighter". And the USA can only be portrayed as a totalitarian state. Yep, some creativity there. And look what else they're keeping up:
Lena’s also back! And the episode has another overtly romantic moment between Kara and Lena as Supergirl swoops in to save Ms. Luthor after she’s flung from a balcony by some incompetent henchmen. Also apparently they go on kombucha dates together, which sounds like a lot more fun than teaching Mon-El how to be a decent human being for the umpteenth time.
Hmm, they sure make it sound like Kara's depicted as a lesbian just as much as the stepsister is. Yup, that's all we need there too. In the end, this all adds up to one utter left-wing propaganda vehicle, produced more for the political leanings than serious entertainment. IIRC, the Arrow and Flash TV shows weren't far behind, so, I don't see what the use is of tuning in to see these overrated duds when better time could be spent watching football games on a Monday night.

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At least it wasn't directed by Lexi Alexander? That woman has been on full "Punch a Nazi" or "advocate political violence" crazy mode on Twitter for a while now.

I don't know what is more annoying: the AV Club cooing over this or the series' increasing hard-left politics. Glad I don't bother with both?

I watched the first season of the show when it was on CBS and a little bit of the second season after it switched to the CW. I quit after one episode. The "S" on that suit must be short for social justice warrior.

The day Trump moved the "Overton window" to allow immigration reform without being explicitly called a racist, I knew the "immigrants as victims of evil bigotry" MSM messaging would be just around the corner.


I saw that episode when it aired, and I was not happy with it at all.

First of all, there's Cadmus's "big evil plan." I mean, forget it all being a predictable strawman against people who are against illegal immigration, do I really have to point out just how lame of a villain plot that was, much less their biggest evil plan yet? Their Medusa virus distribution plan was far more of a heinous plan than this one was.

The biggest problem with the episode was Snapper Carr, however. I didn't like the character the first time around, but this episode put him well beyond the point of no return as far as I'm concerned. The guy just blows off a story, given by Supergirl no less, because she didn't "cite her sources", and thinks she's BSing him? There are major problems with that, especially when the kind of sources he'd want would require her to outright break the law to do that. Then there's his firing Kara and his tirade during the action. Specifically, this quote:

"You weren't right, you were lucky. Next time you might not be. One wrong statistic about the stock market and we're in the Great Depression, one miswritten quote from a candidate and we've a fascist in the White House. The rules are there for a reason, to make sure you get the story right. That's not luck, that's being a good reporter."

There's a whole lot of things wrong with his rant. For starters, perfect attribution of statistics regarding the stock market is not going to cause the Great Depression. Nor, for that matter, is perfect attribution of quotes from political candidates going to prevent a fascist from entering any government apparatuses (much less the White House). All the guys in Weimar Germany did a whole LOT of perfect attribution of quotes. Didn't stop Hitler from gaining power. There's also just how the quote was simply political demagoguery trying to bash Donald Trump (who, BTW, is closer to a free-market small government guy than a true fascist. If anything, Obama and Clinton were closer to actual fascists) in favor of their pet politician Hillary Clinton. Probably the biggest problem with the quote, and thus my biggest problem with the episode and especially the character, however, is that he comes across as being far too similar to Mike Wallace in that scene, in particular his behavior to Peter Jennings during a certain Ethics in America televised episode. Specifically:

"I think some other reporters would have a different reaction. They would regard it simply as a story they were there to cover. I am astonished, really. You're a reporter. Granted you're an American - I'm a little bit at a loss to understand why, because you're an American, you would not have covered that story. [...] No. You don't have a higher duty. No. No. You're a reporter!"

I wouldn't even be surprised if Carr proceeded to fire another of his staff because they refused to get ambush footage against fellow Americans while within an enemy unit.

Whoops, forgot to post the video for the Mike Wallace thing for comparison:


Just remembered that the series initially was actually fairly balanced regarding immigration elements in the first season. That's definitely one more thing that the move to the CW basically did to ruin this series. I mean, say what you will about the first season, at least it actually DID attempt to promote border patrol to a certain extent (for goodness sakes, Supergirl and the DEO were pretty much the ICE, and many of the villains of the week were Fort Rozz escapees who obviously were not supposed to be on the planet).

Shame. They should have stuck to that line of thought after Fort Rozz was gotten rid of. But instead, they did a 180 and made aliens being incapable of doing wrong save for maybe Daxamites (whom, ironically, actually resembled in actions the illegal aliens that President Trump wanted deported, and yet THEY end up being compared to Trump in the penultimate episode of Season 2.).

Correction to my first post, that should have said "For starters, perfect attribution of statistics regarding the stock market is not going to prevent the Great Depression."

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