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Wednesday, December 13, 2017 

Gerard Jones will face his trial next March

Bleeding Cool obtained some legal documents stating that the disgraced former comics writer and manga editor Jones will be heading to court this coming March. Interestingly, they also note that:
He also co-created the Ultraforce character Topaz, who appeared in this year’s Thor: Ragnarok movie. Shortly after the arrest, DC Comics cancelled a number of collections featuring his work in response.
Wow, that's not likely to help the movie's reputation much in the future, when people realize Marvel's film division used a character originally created for the Malibu Ultraverse line in one of their films. But now that I think of it, Marvel not only [unwisely] bought ownership of Malibu's inventory in 1994, they came pretty close to merging their creations with the MCU proper, recalling there were a few specials published where Malibu heroes teamed up with Marvel heroes in the mid-90s. Obviously, no merger actually occurred in the end, which must at least have their editors feeling relieved they didn't embarrass themselves that badly, but still, this use of a Jones-created character in one of the Marvel movies could generate some long term humiliation because of the taint he's left.

Anyway, while this is the current discussion, I looked at this old topic about Power Girl on Dave's Longbox, which cites Jones' writing in Justice League Europe, and if anybody's looking for an example of sexually-laced banter involving Karen Starr that's bound to be considered tasteless, I guess Jones' scripting is it. Particularly disturbing is the panel where it looks like a villain or two are trying to grope her breasts. I'd read some of Jones' run on the 1989-94 spinoff over 2 decades ago, and while I'd noticed some of the now-damaged verbal jokes, I don't think I'd read that particular story with the implied grope attempts. Sigh. What might've once been seen as attempts to be funny and cutesy are bound to be seen as genuinely creepy after what Jones got busted for. Then again, I don't think his run on the Justice League titles was considered very good in retrospect, and came at a time when DC was increasingly stuffing much of their inventory with crossover-mania, draining much of the entertainment value, and the tongue-in-cheek approach Keith Giffen and J.M deMatties used in the first half of the runs gave way to a less humorous vision after they left.

After the news broke, I've spent the past year finding myself forced to reevaluate some of Jones' writings, concluding that they're not the masterpieces some might've thought years ago. I may have a few panel scans stored somewhere in my equipment that I'll have to post eventually so people can get an idea what kind of stuff he'd worked on, and what elements turned up that could be considered troubling. His work's already looking dated, and his felonies will only taint them even more. When the trial does begin, I'm sure one of the biggest questions many will have is whether Jones assaulted children while he was in Britain several years ago, as some of the reports noted he's suspected of doing. And his books and novels are probably already going out of print, or have been cancelled. I checked his blog, which is currently accessible, and he said his latest book is delayed because of the arrest he won't talk about. If it ever gets published at all, it'll surely be his last, because who'll want to waste time on his writings now that he's gotten himself so deep in the muck? None but the most morally bankrupt, that's for sure.

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