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Tuesday, May 28, 2024 

Netflix's Blood of Zeus said to be gory

Collider's making a big deal out of a new cartoon on the pretentious Netflix based on Greek mythology, Blood of Zeus (the headline says it's "gory"), which they even absurdly claim is anime:
The second season of the beloved Netflix anime Blood of Zeus, has arrived, and it delivers another epic tale for subscribers. The anime follows Zeus’ (Jason O’Mara) illegitimate son, Heron (Derek Philips), tasked with saving Olympus and Earth despite the interference of his long-lost half-brother Seraphim (Elias Toufexis) and the upheaval among the gods. [...]
If this is a USA-produced cartoon, I think it's disputable whether this is really anime, since the character designs look anything but how the Japanese often illustrate their productions. Just because the animation quality may be far better than say, Hanna-Barbera's early creations, doesn't mean it's literally anime in the Japanese sense. Honestly, these news sources would do well to stop claiming an American-made cartoon is anime in every way just because the illustration quality may be as good as what Japan improved upon decades before.
For fans of Netflix’s Castlevania, and Castlevania: Nocturne, the show is a great way to see more thrilling action sequences which are carried out by engaging characters in fantastical landscapes. Aside from the incredible background and character designs, the series’ fluid and tense animation makes each action impactful whether a character is gazing at a sunset or slitting a monster’s throat.
Say, wasn't the Castlevania cartoon very PC in its approach? That's not a good idea to draw a comparison to something that was already woke enough; it just suggests Blood of Zeus could be too. And while it may be a monster being slain in the tale, does that immediately make this great? Nope. As I've said before, there's been far too much emphasis on jarring violence in modern entertainment.

And if Collider won't promote cartoons with a brighter perspective than what this Greek mythology-influenced item has, whether it's aimed at adults or not, they're not doing any favors for the medium's image. They're just making it look like adult-geared cartoons are all about gore galore.

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When the first season dropped I watched about 10 minutes before turning it off. The animation is cheap and the writing is trash. And violence doesn't make up for bad storytelling.

Claiming something is anime when it is just animation seems to have become common place. Either from lazy marketing or ignorance. I corrected a YouTube reviewer of Blue Eye Samurai. The animation was done in France and the creator has stated that it is not anime for that fact.

Question becomes, what defines anime? Does it have to be drawn by Japanese studios? Or is it the look/aesthetic of the art? Much of TV animation is produced from Korean studios these days. I believe they like to consider their art style to be anime.

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