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Saturday, August 10, 2024 

Leftist Tom Brevoort says the X-Men shouldn't be depicted as killers

Veteran Marvel editor Brevoort, recently assigned to the X-Men titles, sees himself as the perfect candidate for telling everybody the mutant team shouldn't have been depicted as isolationist killers on an island. He answered a reader's letter with the following:
Between your philosophy on X-Force no longer being allowed to be a kill squad and the fact that you immediately retconned Xavier’s murders at the end of Krakoa, a pattern is starting to emerge.

Do you intend to make your tenure on the X-Men less morally gray than they’ve been written as for the last 45 years?

Do you intend to present them as more plainly heroic?

Do they X-heroes now have a no-kill code similar to the Avengers or Fantastic Four?

My philosophy boils down to this, Levi: I don’t think that the X-Men should be casual or gleeful killers. While they have certainly been in situations where lethal force was called for and appropriate over the years, I don’t think that this should be their default setting. And one of my big complaints about the end of the Orchis War was in how readily and even joyfully some of the X-Men murdered their foes. That’s fine for some characters—nobody is going to question Wolverine killing a bunch of people (though I feel that even he has certain rules of engagement which he will honorably try to follow). But seeing Nightcrawler teleport a couple of hapless Orchis goons into deep space and leave them to die just felt wildly out of character and wrong to me. If our heroes are going to be heroes, then they have to be held to a higher standard than that. We said it a lot back in DEATHLOK thirty-plus years ago: you’ve got to do what’s right, not what’s easiest. I’m sure that we’ll have plenty of moral grey area that we can explore, but I do think that the days when the X-Men would casually throw around lethal force and laugh about it thereafter are over now.
While this does make clear what went wrong with X-Men as a franchise over the past several years, and it certainly is disturbing, is Brevoort suited to make the case? Let's consider that a decade ago, he sugarcoated the offenses of the Sandanistas, and that dampens the impact of what he's telling his reader here. So what good does it do to complain how the X-Men are characterized if he still hasn't changed his view of atrocities in Latin America over past decades, and if he even still holds lenient views of Islam? Let's remember that over the past decade, Marvel forcibly launched a propaganda vehicle swapping Carol Danvers for a Pakistani Muslim girl named Kamala Khan, and despite it not making any money, they continue to waste tons of resources shoehorning the woke creation into many of their products since. Including the catastrophous live action movie The Marvels.

What's described of recent X-Men tales here is certainly disturbing. But if Brevoort still retains his far-left positions of the past decade, his statements ring hollow, and hypocritical. So nothing good's bound to come from his being an editor of the X-Men titles.

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  • From Jerusalem, Israel
  • I was born in Pennsylvania in 1974, and moved to Israel in 1983. I also enjoyed reading a lot of comics when I was young, the first being Fantastic Four. I maintain a strong belief in the public's right to knowledge and accuracy in facts. I like to think of myself as a conservative-style version of Clark Kent. I don't expect to be perfect at the job, but I do my best.
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