It makes no difference whether it's one of 6, or all of them. What Heroes in Crisis could do, again, is reprehensible
Besides the death of a Flash that is almost certainly Wally West, Heroes in Crisis #1 will apparently kill off another fan-favorite character when the Tom King/Clay Mann series hits the stands this fall.Let's be clear. It won't even matter if it's a character who's an alleged favorite of the audience like Rayner who winds up a victim. As I've stated before, this is disgusting and disrespectful when any hero/co-star is turned into cannon fodder. If anything, it's reminiscent of the time Brian Bendis wrote Avengers: Disassembled, and one of the covers featured the blurb "one of these heroes will die!" I guess with Bendis now working at DC, he must've given them the idea of copying one of his worst stunts at Marvel.
Heroes in Crisis centers on an attack on Sanctuary, a psychiatric facility serving the superhero community, which leaves a number of people dead and sends shockwaves through the superhero community, touching off a murder mystery in the vein of Brad Meltzer and Rags Morales's Identity Crisis.
On the cover of the next DC Nation magazine, the publisher teases that "one of these six characters dies," along with an image showing Booster Gold, Harley Quinn, Arsenal, Red Robin (Tim Drake), Cyborg and Green Lantern Kyle Rayner.
I know King's issues of Batman may not have sold well because readers felt they chickened out on the marriage, not unlike the idea of marrying Kitty Pryde and Colossus which didn't happen, Rogue and Gambit's wedding notwithstanding. Those readers would do well to avoid Heroes in Crisis too. This is not something anybody who realizes the harm their publicity and trolling stunts did over the past 2 decades should waste their money on. It's just another stunt doing a terrible disfavor to the characters, past creators and fans alike.
Labels: bad editors, crossoverloading, dc comics, dreadful writers, Flash, golden calf of death, Green Lantern, Justice League of America, moonbat artists, moonbat writers, Titans, violence
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