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Wednesday, March 06, 2019 

This writer doesn't like Mr. Miracle, but does like Tom King's take on the hero?

In this article on the Uganda Observer, a writer says he's not a fan of Jack Kirby's New Gods creations from the Bronze Age, but bizarrely enough, does like the dreadful Tom King's rendition:
Mister Miracle is an ancient comic book character. Jack Kirby created him in the early 1970s, and honestly, I cannot say I am a fan.

[...] But like I said, I don’t like Mister Miracle. I think the idea of a superhero whose special power is the fact that he is really good at escaping traps is dumb. I don’t even like the whole new gods concept.

In fact, let us take a step back; I don’t like comics. Sure, I have read a few titles but for the most part, the medium is not my cup of tea. So, when I tell you that Tom King’s 12-issue Mister Miracle mini-series is one of the best things I have ever read, you need to understand the weight that holds.
No kidding! He doesn't even like the medium, yet inexplicably, this divisive writer who says we've all just got to listen when he foists his loathsome little miniseries called Heroes in Crisis upon DC fans successfully wins over the reporter's interest? We must truly be missing something here, and besides, escape artist hijinks wasn't the only thing Scott Free specialized in. There was also the battle against evil forces, beginning with - but not limited to - Darkseid. But then, if the news writer doesn't like comics, then we should expect no less than his lack of understanding of what the adventure genre is all about.
Mister Miracle starts out at a point of tragedy. He tried to kill himself. Why? Well, no one knows. Mister Miracle knows. But he is not saying; or rather, he keeps telling us but you need time and a keen eye to read the meaning between the lines.

The public is at a loss. Mister Miracle was one of the world’s most optimistic figures. What would drive such a celebrity to take his own life? No one truly knows. His wife, Big Barda, is doing what she can to make sense of his actions, and to support him in his time of need. But trouble is brewing over the horizon.
It already has. King himself brewed it up, and now, people are losing interest in his work. The description here seems awfully like a metaphor for what the audience thinks of him now after Heroes in Crisis, along with the suggestion he's trying way too hard to get people "to listen" to a pseudo-writer who's got nothing to say except that he doesn't have faith in what Kirby conceived back in 1971. Sure, a concept involving an intergalactic warlord like Darkseid does involve some darkness, but then, isn't that what Scot Free and Big Barda were trying to escape from?
I cannot even begin to tell you what makes this comic so awesome. You need to read it for yourself to appreciate the true genius of Tom King. Its protagonist, Scott Free, is a broken man. But King does not tell you that. He shows it to you, not through the dialogue or even the pictures but the art style.

Every panel oozes insanity and confusion, and madness. I have never seen art that so effectively captures the soul of a character. To say anymore would ruin the magic of this comic. You need to read it for yourself.
Hmm, I think we just figured out what King thought up as a precursor to the embarrassment he's churned out now. Something that I would definitely not want to pay money for, but regardless of that, I've already had my fill over the years of some of the most repellent forms of pessimism, all brewed up for no good reason - only for the sake of pessimism - and I don't need any more of this abuse of the creations of true geniuses.
And if you don’t like comic books, like myself, if you think they are beneath you, like some people, trust me when I say that Mister Miracle is the mini-series that will change your mind. These 12 issues are literature at its finest.
No, it will not. And I can't help but wonder if this puff piece was written deliberately by somebody who must also find optimism a lowly ideal, as opposed to pessimism and darkness, which the politically correct embrace as much as the forced leftist politics seen in a lot of today's superhero comics. Instead of a story where Mr. Miracle goes after crooks, he's depicted as a suicidal jerk who won't even explain what's bitten him. Much like the modern DC staff won't explain why they're alienating the fans so much, or the press why they're siding with DC.

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Alright, what pissed you off about the previous comment this time?

"And if you don’t like comic books, like myself, if you think they are beneath you, like some people, trust me when I say that Mister Miracle is the mini-series that will change your mind."

I've come to the conclusion that sjws in comics are the natural result of trying to reach out to people who aren't simply apathetic to comics but who hate them.

Reaching out to people who hate comics out of a need for social acceptance has a long history dating back to the 1960s and 1970s when Marvel Comics gained the interest of some in academia and since then comic publishers have been seeking legitimacy from academia and the establishment in some shape, way, or form.

" "Biff! Bam! Pow! Comics Aren't For Just For Kids" Anymore!" in the 1980s was really the academic critics says ""Bam! Pow! Zap! Comics should be a medium primarily for adults and should deal with complex adult themes"

20 years after Vertigo launched, and more since the rise of alternative/literary comics, they are admitting that comics for adults has been a failure. The industry has rebranded itself, to quote Tom King,
" the medium of the outsider and the outcast, the nerd who won’t fit in. We exist, we thrive because we recognize and amplify the voices of those who must struggle mightily to be heard. "https://twitter.com/TomKingTK/status/1033895408009920512/photo/1
On online comics news sites run by sjws, the comics industry has claimed that it is a safe space for kids, women, and poc but really what progressive and "forward-looking" comics creators have been doing since the days of " "Biff! Bam! Pow! Comics Aren't For Just For Kids Anymore!" in the 1980s is making and promoting comics for people who HATE comics. Not just superheroes, but COMICS.

Today's " Bam! Pow! Comics Aren’t Just for White Men Anymore!" headlines are red herring.

Isn't it possible to have SJWs on the conservative side as well, or is it a liberal issue only? I mean, this is what Urban Dictionary says about them:

Social Justice Warrior. A pejorative term for an individual who repeatedly and vehemently engages in arguments on social justice on the Internet, often in a shallow or not well-thought-out way, for the purpose of raising their own personal reputation. A social justice warrior, or SJW, does not necessarily strongly believe all that they say, or even care about the groups they are fighting on behalf of. They typically repeat points from whoever is the most popular blogger or commenter of the moment, hoping that they will "get SJ points" and become popular in return. They are very sure to adopt stances that are "correct" in their social circle.

The SJW's favorite activity of all is to dogpile. Their favorite websites to frequent are Livejournal and Tumblr. They do not have relevant favorite real-world places, because SJWs are primarily civil rights activists only online.

Isn't academia just a bunch of senile old farts who mumble about the good old days?

Sometimes it seems that comicsgate is just a bunch of senile middle-aged farts who tweet about the good old days! They just do it online instead of in lecture halls.

Comics for adults seems to have worked, both artistically and in dollar sales. Superhero and other genre comics for adults still seem to be stuck in a no-mans land, too ponderous and taking themselves way too seriously. I would rank vertigo as generally genre comics, not comics for adults, although they have produced some excellent books.

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  • I'm Avi Green
  • From Jerusalem, Israel
  • I was born in Pennsylvania in 1974, and moved to Israel in 1983. I also enjoyed reading a lot of comics when I was young, the first being Fantastic Four. I maintain a strong belief in the public's right to knowledge and accuracy in facts. I like to think of myself as a conservative-style version of Clark Kent. I don't expect to be perfect at the job, but I do my best.
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