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Sunday, September 29, 2019 

A Staten Island specialty store is the latest to close

I have no idea how many comics stores are left in the New York region, but Staten Island Advance has word of another that's closing their business down:
A beloved comic book store announced Friday that it is going out of business, leaving loyal Staten Island customers heartbroken.

Socko Jones, owner of Comic Book Jones in Mariners Harbor, tweeted that the shop will remain open for “roughly two weeks” before closing for good. [...]

The shop, a former “Best of Staten Island” poll winner, has been a haven for fans of Marvel, DC Comics, anime and nostalgic cartoons since it opened in late 2007. It also was known for hosting notable writers and artists, comedy shows and superhero movie premiere parties.
Obviously, a terrible shame they have to shut down. But if there's no mention of how and why they'd be forced to close, how can anybody expect to prevent this from happening so easily in the future, or make improvements? Bad quality of product is already one of the biggest factors in stores losing audience, doing a terrible disfavor even for those publishers who're doing a better job than the majors and mainstream are, but nobody in the press thinks to mention that, or give an in-depth analysis, do they? And then they wonder why the stores go out of business, or maybe they don't, because they never had respect for the art form in the first place.

With this store on its way out, one has to wonder how many more, in New York and elsewhere, will follow suit? And how many will remain in New York, if at all? The sad picture of business for comics continues on with no telling what'll come next.

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the entire medium of comics is losing outlets where it can be carried.

Newspapers can no longer afford cartoon strips.

The magazines that carried them are replacing cartoonists with whatever the graphic designer/web designer/secretary can produce in a short amount of time for less money.

I inquired to the National Society of Cartoonists if cartoonists were facing challenges in finding outlooks for their work in an era where newspapers are hiring fewer and fewer cartoonists and they said there isn't a problem. NSC said there is always the book market and b2b (business to business) market. . . which is very similar to the American comic industry's reaction to specialty stores closing. They are confident lost business can be made up SOMEWHERE ELSE.

I don't think you can consider comic book store closings a problem if no one thinks it's a problem.

No body cares about comic stores closing.

You have contacts in the National Society of Cartoonists?

Khi thị trường dịch thuật ở nước ta ngày càng trở nên sôi động và phát triển mạnh về số lượng như vậy, các doanh nghiệp có nhu cầu sử dụng dịch vụ dịch thuật cảm thấy bối rối khi không biết đâu mới là những công ty dịch thuật uy tín nhất Việt Nam? trong trường hợp này, lựa chọn dịch vụ của ; dịch thuật chuyên nghiệp - MIDtrans một công ty dịch thuật chuyên nghiệp có trụ sở tại 01 Tây Sơn, Nam Lý, Đồng Hới, Quảng Bình là sự lựa chọn sáng suốt.
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