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Sunday, December 14, 2014 

A possible "conservative" disgraced himself

I found a gushing review of Identity Crisis on a site called Collector Times from nearly a decade ago, and this one is really disgusting, because it looks like it could've been written by a so-called right-winger, and if he is, then he should be all the more ashamed of himself. First, here's where his exact grip on DC history is flimsy:
Looking at what Doctor Light did, there are a number of individuals that could have been in Sue's place, the one "requirement" for the situation to play out EXACTLY the same being that they be female. With that in mind, there could have been a female hero or a character created to be in the situation. My guess is that in the mindset of having someone that would be both "familiar" and "vulnerable," Sue was chosen because she could be both of those things and her being at the satellite made sense due to her unusual level of involvement with the JLA as an everyday person (so to speak).
Sue was not fully involved with the JLA until the mid-80s, and in the 70s, she only made one appearance in the JLA series proper, when Ralph Dibny joined full time. Which only confirms the writer, whose name is Wally Flores Jr, is one of quite a few with no interest in researching serious DC history, which should certainly be easier than creator-owned books, even if it's only minor cast members involved. Now, here's the part where he goes out of his way to defend the book at all costs, and says:
People calling Meltzer "misogynistic" in my eyes ranks right up there with calling someone a "homophobe" because they don't approve of the homosexual lifestyle, or a "liberal" or "conservative" just because they don't agree with you. In all cases their opinions or views don't match yours so you label because what they're saying/doing makes you uncomfortable and haven forbid you have an intelligent discussion and actually LISTEN to what they're trying to convey.
I don't know if Flores is conservative, but if he is, then he's a disgrace and shame to suggest only liberals were ever outraged by that vulgarity. His blabber mirrors right-wing talking points in in a very bad way and for all the wrong reasons, and ignores all the left-wing press sources who were giving so much fawning, uncritical coverage for the sake of a monstrosity. Clearly, Jonathan Last isn't the only so-called conservative out there who's made an embarrassment out of himself.

The most stupefying thing about his review is that he admits some parts don't make sense, yet he continues to praise it anyway, as if none of the lapses in logic matter in any way, and never acknowledges the most serious accusations made, like the miniseries' lack of a female view. That is not what I call intelligent, perceptive commentary. With writers like that, I don't think Collector Times is a periodical I'd ever want to waste my money on.

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  • I'm Avi Green
  • From Jerusalem, Israel
  • I was born in Pennsylvania in 1974, and moved to Israel in 1983. I also enjoyed reading a lot of comics when I was young, the first being Fantastic Four. I maintain a strong belief in the public's right to knowledge and accuracy in facts. I like to think of myself as a conservative-style version of Clark Kent. I don't expect to be perfect at the job, but I do my best.
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