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Sunday, June 28, 2015 

Behold: this is all these SJWs care about

Did the SJWs of the comics world have anything to say about the jihad attacks in Europe and north Africa this past week? Nope. All they seem to care about is the ludicrous ruling by the US supreme court in favor of gay marriage. Here's some tweets by several writers and artists:

And you shouldn't be pushing this propaganda on people who don't approve at all costs. Especially not on families who could find it hard to explain to their children just how this is supposed to be fully justified or even "normal".

Waid's tweet reads like somebody who's a gleeful cynic, celebrating how this news grates upon conservatives and other dissenters. I wouldn't be surprised if he's an atheist, and if he's got no problem with what this ruling could lead to. He probably doesn't even care about the bad impact it could have for children.

Except to the right wing and families, you can be sure. What a head-shaker.

More like Marxist "equality", I'd say.

I'm not sure Simone should get mine or your business if this is what she's going to go out of her way to support. Not for her creator-owned work anyway.

I think he's got that a bit backwards. People like him make it so easy to point out how rabid their left-wing politics are, and how disrespectful they are to anybody disagreeing with them.

Nope. Not if it costs taxpayers' money, I'm afraid. Perhaps he might want to check this report about homosexuality being taught in a public school before claiming it's impossible. Also see this one.

No surprise this man is such a SJW.

What dignity do ultra-leftist SJWs have? Practically none. They sure don't have respect for Judeo-Christian values, that's for sure.

Sometimes I get the feeling Conway is a moron. And that he's been so for many years.

Notice the avatar he's currently using too? If it weren't obvious he was a leftist before, it is now.

And these are all people who don't seem particularly concerned about the plight of gays and lesbians under Islam and in Muslim countries. I think they're only voicing their support for the justices who favored this ruling at the supreme court so they can undermine the country that gives them the freedom to disagree with them. The court's ruling is all they seem to care about. I didn't even spot any commenting on the verdict delivered against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev this past week. Their concerns are pretty narrow.

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A: What does the average American care about what happens overseas?
B: You are in the Middle East: despite popular belief, USA's laws DON'T apply to all countries.
C: It's a ruling, it can be challenged with loopholes or appeals.
D: How many people out there actually believe in causes like "gay marriage" or "tax reform" and aren't going along just for the heck of it?
E: Give it 5-10 years to see what effects will happen, it's not like this is one of those sudden shifts in economy policies!
F: Hasn't anyone thought about the legal and technical problems that gay marriages now suffer like their straight marriage brethren like taxes or divorce?

Add Ty Templeton to the list. I didn't realize how much of a leftist he was until I saw his website tonight:


Nice to know the comic set love their priorities. But what about their Muslim readers, wonder if they'll be happy with their comic book people as presented here.

You almost have to admire the epic smugness, as when the Right wins, it's rarely this smug. And I'll die a happy man if I never see a rainbow graphic again.

Meh. Gay marriage was inevitable, and if I may, I had a (long) blog history fairly correctly pointing out how it would happen: http://colossus.mu.nu/archives/357566.php


Drag: The Supreme Court ruled. There ARE NO further appeals. The only way to circumvent their ruling is to pass a constitutional amendment, and that won't happen.

KM's got a good question: Maybe some of those creators can ask G. Willow Wilson to serve as a catalyst for rainbows in the mid-east.

I wonder if G. Willow Wilson really practices any of the tenets of Islam (besides wearing a scarf), or if she adopts that pose so she can accuse anyone who disagrees with her about anything of "Islamophobia."

There may be synagogues and Christian churches losing their tax exemptions if they refuse to sanction gay marriage. I wonder if the government would take the same action against Muslim mosques?

It would be fun if a gay couple went to a mosque and demanded that the imam perform their wedding ceremony. Or if they went to a Muslim-owned bakery and tried to hire the baker to make a gay-themed wedding cake. And then sued when they were refused. Then the tolerant Progressives could take sides in the ensuing controversy, and could accuse each other of "homophobia" and "Islamophobia."

I'd take TC's bet. And for everyone saying how primitive IS or Muslims are, the former know how to use social media way more effective than we do and the latter caught on to the victimology racket very well. As pointed out by Steyn.

And 50 years, if the Muslims do succeed into making Sharia Law here, this argument will be moot, anyway.

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"No surprise this man is such a SJW." Obviously. He was on a reality show with a gay guy who died of AIDS and tried to push the lie that it's just as likely for non-promiscuous straight people to get it with his Mia Dearden story. His Red Hood story was good though.

What else is the Middle East good for besides oil, hostile natives, terrorism, religious/historic artifacts/buildings, idiotic debates based on the previously listed items, and sand?

Also, what else does ISIL do besides terrorism, like economic plans or rebuilding efforts to their people?

By the by, am I the only one having an image of USA and other countries being buddy-buddy with all those hostile countries and then sticking a knife in the back when they least expect it?

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