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Monday, July 06, 2015 

Brevoort clutches at straws again

Once again, when somebody criticizes Brevoort for his pro-Islam (and pro-communist) stances, this time he reacts by exploiting an old Stan Lee's Soapbox editorial, and refuses to debate much beyond that. Then he tries it again when somebody tells him to get a clue that Islam's not a race, points out that 51 percent of Muslims in America want sharia, and notes that one of the contributors they hired at Marvel wears an Arafat-like headscarf, and that it's called a keffiyeh. But he only misses - and dismisses - the point.

The more I see Brevoort act so callously and selfishly, the more I begin to think he really disgusts me as a human being.

Since we're on the subject, Peter David's not making anything better when he says:

I tend to doubt David has ever been pro-Israel. Or that he even cares about LGBTs, as he's said he does, since under Islam, gays and lesbians have been murdered just for thinking about practicing the lifestyle/mindset, yet David seems unconcerned about any of that. What a phony. He certainly has changed since his days of writing X-Factor and the Hulk in the early 90s.

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Ever notice how the faster communication gets, the more brain cells people loose?

You almost have to admire Brevoort's intellectual laziness. It's breathtaking lazy, and a disservice to that Stan Lee editorial written how many years ago.

Does anyone know who the keffiyeh-wearing employee is? I'm not familiar with Marvel day-to-day to figure, so I guess it's G. Wilson or that one editor they have? Either way, it's a problem, given what Arafat has wrought.

As for Brevoort's tunnel vision of "Islam = race," eh, he's not alone. I think a lot of media pinheads make the same mistake, even though, Islam has getting its share of White converts lately. Ask Lindsay Lohan. No, really.

A friend reminded me that it could be Sana Amanat, who handles Spider-Man titles. Maybe it is her, if anyone can find out?

It's Sana Amanat. http://i1.tribune.com.pk/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/834707-Sanaamanat-1423332846-297-640x480.jpg http://cdn.bleedingcool.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Retreat-Selfie-1-36228-1-600x337.jpg

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