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Tuesday, August 13, 2024 

Another Captain Marvel series was cancelled pretty quickly

Gaming Bible says yet another series starring the forcibly changed Carol Danvers was put to an end by Marvel very fast, without even a movie in theaters to tie in with:
Marvel has killed off a Captain Marvel series before it even had a chance to get rolling since it launched last year.

Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel is one of the longest-running superheroes in the Marvel comic book universe making her debut in Marvel Super-Heroes #12 in December 1967. Arguably the character became more popular than ever when she appeared in the MCU and played a pivotal role in the downfall of the “Mad Titan” Thanos in Avengers: Endgame.
And this fails to make clear Danvers didn't become a superheroine until nearly a decade later, and began as Ms. Marvel, and however she was depicted then, it was far better than what's come down the lane in the past 15 years, made worse by how Danvers was stripped of her femininity and put in a modest costume for the sake of a sex-negative viewpoint that's only hurt the character since, changed into Capt. Marvel at the expense of the Kree fighter who preceded her, and she was replaced in her original role by a Muslim character who was developed as part of a political agenda. That kind of stuff is what really harmed Danvers as a protagonist ever since, and it doesn't look like Marvel has any intention of reversing it. And despite the 1st Capt. Marvel film taking in nearly $400 million, in the end, the character didn't become more popular due to Larson's poor acting job. The box office receipts of the sequel film, The Marvels, certainly makes clear any popularity was quickly lost.
Captain Marvel would later appear in other MCU productions, the last of which was the movie The Marvels in 2023. Since that time, we’ve not heard much else about the charismatic superhero played by Brie Larson.

That being said, despite the fame of the MCU, let’s not forget about when Captain Marvel’s journey began, in good old comic book media. The most recent comic book series starring Carol Danvers is Captain Marvel with its debut issue arriving in October 2023, written by Alyssa Wong.

Sadly, as reported by comicbookmovie.com, less than a year after its debut, Captain Marvel, which launched to coincide with The Marvels (2023), has been cancelled after just 10 issues.
The character in comics may be charismatic, but Larson most certainly isn't, seeing how uninspired her acting is, and if Marvel's only willing to assign women to write Carol Danvers at this point, that's discrimination against men. In any event, it's clear whomever they're hiring isn't being chosen on genuine talent and merit. None of which makes any difference to the news site "reporting" about this. Their coverage of this is such a farce.

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