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Friday, August 16, 2024 

Marvel Super Heroes video game was based on a crossover

While reporting about the upcoming collection of several Capcom video games based on Marvel creations, Nintendo Life notes that Marvel Super Heroes - the 2nd after X-Men: Children of the Atom built as a fighting game a la Street Fighter - is based on a company wide crossover tale from the early 1990s:
Capcom is gearing up to release its Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection on the Switch later this year, and as part of this, it's spotlighting each game with a new trailer. The latest one features Marvel Super Heroes, which originally made its debut in arcades in 1995 and followed with a home console release in 1997. [...]

"Set in MARVEL's comic book crossover "Infinity Gauntlet," this game features the X-Men, plus Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America, and other iconic MARVEL Super Heroes! Go sky-high with the new Aerial Rave and Infinity Gems to take down Thanos."
Seriously, I've found that bothersome, as it's an early example of entertainment producers drawing from the newest possible storylines, although in this case, what dampens this is that it's based on a company wide crossover tale. This may be a video game, but that doesn't change that they were relying on what's since become a very dreadful form of storytelling that deprives the writers of their creative freedom, when one or more issues of a series suddenly got taken over by something not self-contained.

Infinity Gauntlet may not have been as bad as quite a few of the crossovers that got made since the mid-2000s, but this was still a case of video game manufacturers relying too much on the easiest avenues for getting ideas for how to make a game. And today, they rely more than ever upon the worst stories and other ideas that were published post-2000.

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